NOTE All fishing in the Tyttbo forsfiske is C & R
Tyttbo forsfiske in Dalälven is about 4 mil from Avesta downstream Dalälven fisheries covered by the rapids. Tyttboforsen and Balaforsen
Fishing takes place on private water which allows us, in consultation with our guests to develop fisheries so that the fishing experience is as comprehensive as possible.
Balforsen is a narrow and deep, rapids is famous for the huge back wave when the water flow in the river is high, mostly in the spring. At the rapids fly fishing for grayling is possible.
Tybboforsen is wide with varying bottom here you will find pike, sander, perch (and grayling)
In the harness between the rapids is the good fishing opportunity for sander, pike and perch.
After Tyttboforsen river empties out into Färnebofjärden a part of the National Park. The area offers a diverse sport fishing in to Färnebo fjärdens National Park, one of the most beautiful in the country. Here you can experience the wilderness of good and evil at a comfortable distance from Mälardalen.
You can fish from shore in the rapids, You can also fish from the boat in Tyttboforsen but strong currents and numerous stones require knowledge of performing boat in this type of water.
Exploring Färnebofjärden National Park, hike the trails, canoeing, boating or enjoy the forest’s pantry. In short, you who dream of wilderness will enjoy here.
Note Tyttbo rapids fishing does not apply here without special license required from Tyttbo forsfiske.
PS. Fly fishing for perch, pike and grayling in the Tyttbo forsfiske is a wilderness experience only 1½ hours from Stockholm.
More to read about flyfishing can be found on